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Microbial Population and Evolutionary Genetics
2013年5月6-12日  北京
培训班将由活跃于真菌分子进化、群体遗传和群体基因组学研究领域国际前沿的3位年轻海外专家主讲,他们分别是(个人简介见附三): McMaster University (加拿大)生物系教授徐建平(Jianping Xu)博士; University of Ottawa (加拿大)教授夏旭华(Xia Xuhua)博士和University of Michigan (美国)的助理教授Timothy Y. James博士。培训班将以课堂讲授和计算机实际操作相结合的方式进行,每天在讲授基本原理、方法和最新进展之后,接着教授常用计算机软件的使用方法,力图让学员同时掌握基础理论知识和实际分析技能,尽快有效运用于自己的实际研究工作中去。
二、地点中国科学院微生物研究所( 北京市朝阳区 北辰西路1号院3号)
l         普通人员:2800元
l         中国菌物学会会员:2500元(接受现场入会)
l         学生:1800元(注册现场需出示学生证)
汇款时请务必备注参会者姓名, 并与会务组联系确认!
负责人:白逢彦 研究员
联络人:齐莎:010-64807515  ,蒋娜:010-64807455 
1. 请有意参加培训班的人员,于201341前将参会回执(见附二)发至 mpeg2012@126.com
2. 请学员自备笔记本电脑,以便参加每日下午的“Computer lab”(常用计算机软件使用方法培训课程)。
3. 本次培训课程为中英文结合授课。“真菌群体和进化遗传学研讨会”欢迎已有实际研究结果的学员展示自己的研究进展和探讨遇到的问题。
4.  培训发票将在会议现场由本人领取。
附二:课程大纲 Course Outline
附三:授课教师简介Lecturers of the training course
如需发票,请选择发票项目:[ ]培训费;[ ]会议费
请有意参加培训班的人员,于201341前将回执发至会务组邮箱: mpeg2012@126.com,并于430前按通知要求缴费。

Course Outline
Title: Microbial Population and Evolutionary Genetics
Date: May 6 (Monday) -10 (Friday), 2013
Day 1 (Monday, May 6, 2013)
Lecture 1: Introduction to population genetics: Genes, alleles and their associations in natural populations (1.5 hours; Jianping Xu)
Lecture 2: Marker development for microbial population studies (1 hour; Tim James)
Lecture 3: Basic microbial population genetic questions, tools, and software
(1 hour; JP Xu)
Computer lab-1: population genetic analyses (2 hours; JP Xu)
Day 2 (Tuesday, May 7, 2013)
Lecture 4. Basic concepts in molecular phylogenetics and evolution
(1.5 hours, Xuhua Xia)
1. Distance-based methods: the independently estimated and simultaneously estimated distances based on various substitution models; the least-squares method for branch evaluation and the minimum evolution criterion for choosing the best tree.
2. The maximum parsimony method: the Fitch algorithm;  the assumptions and the problem of inconsistency.
3. The maximum likelihood method and Bayesian inference
Lecture 5. Advanced molecular phylogenetics and evolution (1 hour, Xuhua Xia)
1. Choosing substitution models by the likelihood ratio test and the information theoretic indices
2. Dating gene duplication and speciation events by the least-squares method: the conventional dating with calibration of internal nodes; the tip-dating method for viral samples taken over different years.
Computer lab-2: Molecular phylogenetics and evolution analyses (2.5 hours, Xuhua Xia)
Day 3 (Wednesday, May 8, 2013)
Lecture 6: Case studies of viral and bacterial population genetics (1.5 hours; JP Xu)
Lecture 7. Case studies of recent emerging eukaryotic infectious diseases (1 hour; Tim, James)
Lecture 8: Evolution of life cycles and mating systems (1 hour, Tim James)
Computer lab-3: Fungal mating system gene identification and analyses (2 hours, Tim James)
Day 4 (Thursday, May 9, 2013)
Lecture 9: Tree of life and evolution of pathogenic life style (1.5 hours; Tim James)
Lecture 10: Microbial genomic resources and basic genomic analysis (1 hour, Xuhua Xia)
1. Microbial and viral databases
2. Indices of gene expression and codon usage biases
3. Nucleotide skew plots
Computer lab-4: Microbial genomic resources and basic genomic analysis (2.5 hours, Xuhua Xia)
Day 5 (Friday, May 10, 2013)
Lecture 11: Microbial Population genomics (1 hour, Tim James)
Lecture 12: Fundamentals and case studies of microbial experimental evolution (1.5 hours; JP Xu)
Lecture 13: Phylogeny-based comparative methods (1 hour, Xuhua Xia)
1. The association between genes, between genes and phenotypes and environmental variables.
2. The comparative method for continuous characters based on the Brownian motion model and the independent contrasts
3. The comparative method for discrete characters.
Computer lab-5: Phylogeny-based comparative methods (2 hours, Xuhua Xia)
Day 6 (Saturday, May 11, 2013)
Workshop: Population and Evolutionary Genetics

Lecturers of the training course
Dr. Jianping Xu (徐建平)
Dr. Jianping Xu obtained his PhD in biology from the University of Toronto in Canada in 1997, and then worked as a postdoctoral fellow  at Duke University in the US until 2000 when he was hired as an Assistant Professor at McMaster University in Canada. He is currently a Full Professor in Microbiology at McMaster working on molecular ecology and population genetics of microorganisms, with a focus on human fungal pathogens and wild gourmet mushrooms. He has edited two books in microbial evolutionary and population genetics. He currently teaches courses in Introductory Microbiology, Medical Microbiology, Field Biology, and Molecular Ecology.
Dr. Xuhua Xia (夏旭华)
Dr. Xuhua Xia obtained his PhD in population biology from University of Western Ontario, and worked as a postdoctoral fellow/visiting scientist at University of Helsinki, University of Toronto, University of Washington, Louisiana State University and University of Chicago, carrying out research in molecular biology and evolution, molecular phylogenetics, and population genetics. He became an assistant professor at University of Hong Kong in 1996, and served in 2001 as a senior scientist and head of Bioinformatics Laboratory in the newly established HKU-Pasteur Research Centre. He came back to Canada in 2002 and has been full professor at University of Ottawa since 2009. Dr. Xia published two books in bioinformatics and molecular evolution, and is the author of the software package DAMBE that is widely used in molecular biology and evolution. He currently teaches courses in bioinformatics, molecular evolution and biostatistics.
His lab web page is http://dambe.bio.uottawa.ca.
Dr. Timothy Y. James
Dr. Timothy Y. James obtained his PhD in biology from Duke University in North Carolina, USA.  He then completed three postdoctoral appointments at Duke University, Uppsala University, and McMaster University.  Since 2009, he has been an assistant professor and curator of fungi at the University of Michigan.  James’ research covers multiple aspects of fungal evolution, from evolution at the gene level (particularly genes controlling mating), population level (emphasis on dispersal mechanisms), and reconstructing the deepest branches in the fungal tree of life (particularly chytrid fungi).  James has specialized in studying a group of fungi known as chytrids that are largely aquatic and microscopic, including the fungal pathogen causing the current pandemic of amphibians.  He teaches courses in genetics and fungal biology.
His lab web page is: http://www.umich.edu/~mycology/
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